The Fool
There are 36 references to the word fool in Proverbs alone
and over 80 references when you consider its derivatives. Most of Proverbs deals with comparisons
between two people, the wise and the foolish.
Here is the 14th mention of the word fool in the book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 10:23 (KJV) 23 It is as sport
to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
Let’s take the time to dissect and define this verse.
Fool: One who lives life as if there
is no God.
Mischief: devising
evil, scheming to do wrong, wickedness.
Sport: fun,
laughter, play.
The teaching of this Proverb is clear and true. For a fool, it is a fun game to do
wrong. Literally, it is a sport. It is a game.
It is planned, schemed, and carried out.
Enjoyment is derived not only from doing the sinful act, but
also planning and conniving the deed. It
is the pleasure that comes from getting
away with it.
In the life of the addicted it is not only the substance or
bad habit that must be dealt with, but also the desire for the lifestyle. Many enjoy the planning, the not getting caught,
the lying, the other sins associated with their addiction. Many want a partial
victory over alcohol, or drugs for example, but fail to realize the entire
sinful lifestyle must be dealt with. You
will only have moments of temporary sobriety unless you deal with the desire in
your life for the sport and mischief.
This is why faith based recovery programs are so
effective. They deal with the heart of
man. They deal with the root
issues. So often the root cause is the
root cause of foolishness in life. It is
a rebellion against God and His authority in our lives. It is a desire to live life according to our
wants and desires instead of Gods. It is
a desire to please our own selves instead of pleasing God.
If you want complete deliverance from addiction, give the
control of your life over to the Jesus who loves you and died for you on
Calvary’s cross.