Spirit Filled or Drug Filled – Part 5: Spice
Written by: Dr. George Crabb
Issue: November Blogs
I’ve enjoyed looking at these specific drug categories and how they affect an individual. Although the drugs are different the answer is the same – a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Today we are going to take a look at Spice, otherwise known as synthetic marijuana. The last two blogs will cover the following:#6 Salvia
#7 MDMA (Ecstasy)
It is God’s desire that He completely sanctify every aspect of our lives – spirit, soul, and body – according to I Thessalonians 5:23. God desires to direct our thoughts, our words, and our actions – this is called being “filled with the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18.
As children of God, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost (I Corinthians 6:19). With this in mind we are to glorify God in our bodies because our bodies belong to Him (I Corinthians 6:20). A child of God dishonors God when they introduce into their body (which belongs to God) harmful substances. These substances are not only physically and soulically harmful, but they also diminish our sobriety which in turn decreases the Spirit’s ability to completely control our lives. When we partake of any of these substances, no matter how little it may be, we start the process of becoming filled with them and less filled with the Spirit.
I pray that all of us will attempt, by the grace of God, to live a Spirit filled life and that none of these substances will ever take away the power of God in our lives.
Spice (Synthetic Marijuana)
“Spice” refers to a wide variety of herbal mixtures that produce experiences similar to marijuana and that are marketed as “safe,” legal alternatives to that drug. Sold under many names including K2, fake weed, Yucatan Fire, Skunk, Moon Rocks, and others – and labeled “not for human consumption” – these products contain dried, shredded plant material and chemical additives that are responsible for their psychoactive (mind-altering) effects.Note: Spice products do contain dried plant material, but chemical analyses show that their active ingredients are synthetic (or designer) cannabinoid compounds. The chemicals used in Spice have high potential for abuse and NO medical benefit.
Spice products are popular among young people; of the illicit drugs most used by high-school seniors, they are second only to marijuana. (They are more popular among boys than girls – in 2012, nearly twice as many male 12th graders reported past-year use of synthetic marijuana as females in the same age group.) Easy access and the misperception that Spice products are “natural” and therefore harmless have likely contributed to their popularity. Another selling point is that the chemicals used in Spice are not easily detected in standard drug tests.
How is Spice Abused?
Some Spice products are sold as “incense,” but they more closely resemble potpourri. Like marijuana, Spice is abused mainly by smoking. Sometimes Spice is mixed with marijuana or is prepared as an herbal infusion for drinking.Spice users report experiences similar to those produced by marijuana – elevated mood, relaxation, and altered perception – and in some cases the effects are even stronger than those of marijuana. Some users report psychotic effects like extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations.
The cannabinoid compounds found in Spice products act on the same cell receptors as THC, the primary psychoactive component of marijuana.
What Are the Other Health Effects of Spice?
Spice abusers who have been taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms that include rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, confusion, and hallucinations. Spice can also raise blood pressure, cause reduced blood supply to the heart (myocardial ischemia), and in a few cases it has been associated with heart attacks. Regular users may experience withdrawal and addiction symptoms.Another potential effect is that there may be harmful heavy metal residues in Spice. These heavy metal residues can cause a wide array of medical conditions that are dangerous to the body.
No matter how harmless or natural these drugs are supposed to be, they cause dangerous effects to the body and can lead a person into the bondage of addiction. May we continue to pursue holiness and purity in our lives allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us, not drugs.