Follow @CShenenberger Only the Truth Makes Free!: Depression and Anxiety Part 2

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Depression and Anxiety Part 2

Depression and Anxiety

Part 2

Dr. George T. Crabb

Depression and anxiety are often companions. Any person who is depressed may also experience symptoms associated with anxiety. About 80% of depressed individuals suffer psychological anxiety symptoms: unrealistic apprehension, fears, worry, agitation, irritability or panic attacks. Around 60% of people with depression experience anxiety related physical symptoms: headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue and chronic pain. Approximately 65% of depression sufferers experience sleep disturbances. Some 20% feel agitated. About 25% experience phobia. Around 17% report generalized anxiety symptoms. Approximately 10% suffer from panic attacks.

Fear and anxiety attack and cripple both our physical, soulical and spiritual functioning. They also put us into spiritual bondages that hinder our relationship to God. Anxiety and fear are cousins. However, unlike fear, anxiety has no precipitating cause. Fear usually focuses on something, like a frightening event that we must face.

Anxiety can manifest itself in forms such as nervousness, excessive tension or a sense of fear that is unwarranted. It often results in sleeplessness, restlessness and an inability to concentrate.

Anxiety disorders affect women twice as often as men. A panic attack is a severe form of anxiety in which the heart races. Many times the person hyperventilates. He also has sweaty palms and extreme apprehension for no apparent reason. This is simply an adrenaline rush come up which is a fight-or-flight reaction that simply occurs at the wrong time.

One of the best ways to relieve anxiety is to exercise aerobically at least 3-4 times a week, which includes walking, bicycling and swimming. This exercise should last for at least 20-30 minutes.

Patients with anxiety also should take a comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement. This program can include 5 HTP which is 5-hydroxytrytophan. You should not take 5 HTP if you are taking any other antidepressant. B-complex vitamins are very beneficial for anxiety states. Certain herbs are also helpful for reducing anxiety. These include valerian, chamomile, skullcap, hops and passion flower. However, these herbs may cause drowsiness. Passion flower tea and chamomile tea are helpful for relieving anxiety as well.

Commonly used drugs to treat anxiety include Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium and other benzodiazepines. These drugs are very addictive, and as many as 80 million prescriptions are written for them each year. These minor tranquilizers numb the human mind (a part of our soul). But when the medicine wears off, the person actually can become more anxious which leads to more use and abuse of the drugs.

For panic attack disorders, I recommend B complex vitamins, adrenal glandular supplements and adrenal support. The fight-or-flight response involved in panic attacks commonly drains the adrenal glands leading to other problems. These important glands need to be supported by both vitamins and glandular.

Foundational to the treatment of depression and anxiety is daily meditating on the Word of God. It also benefits to read Scriptures that come against fear and worry. You should pray as often as you are able.

I recommend that all my patients with anxiety quote Scripture aloud three times a day before meals, meditate on them throughout the day and again quote the Scriptures before going to bed.

Pray often, quote Scriptures in your prayers and think on the promises of God. I will give you some verses at the end of this blog that you should write down and memorize so that you may meditate on them later. Write these verses down and put them in places where you can see them - attach sticky notes to your computer or anchor Scriptures with magnets on your refrigerator.

The Word of God is an effective antidote in daily life for both depression and anxiety. God has created natural ways as well as spiritual prescription for battling and defeating depression and anxiety in your life. In these two blogs you have discovered many positive steps to overcome depression and anxiety. Don't turn back or become discouraged. Continue to move forward with God as you live in His joy and peace.

Bible verses to memorize and meditate:    Philippians 4: 6-8, 19

 John 14: 1, 27

 Psalm 91: 1-2

 Psalm 119:165

 Isaiah 26:3

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